Organization Structure



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         Annual General Meeting (AGM)


       The AGM is the supreme level of decision in the Association.

       Business to be transacted at the AGM include:-                        

  1. read and approve the minutes of the last AGM

  2. approve the Chairman’s Report

  3. approve the Statement of Accounts

  4. appoint an Honorary Auditor

  5. elect bi-annually 13 members of the Executive Committee






1. 檢視及通過上次周年大會的會議紀錄;

2. 通過主席報告;

3. 通過財務報告;

4. 委任名譽核數師;

5. 每兩年選舉13名執行委員會委員。





         Executive Committee

The Executive Committee (EC) shall be responsible for the general management and control of the affairs of the Association; for the acquisition, safe keeping, and disposal of Association Property; and for the control of all funds of the Association









The EC shall consist of :-


  1. five Officers of the Association

  2. eight members elected at AGM

  3. a representative appointed by ICAC

  4. the Immediate Past Chairman



1. 本會五名職員;

2. 八名從周年大會中選出的委員

3. 廉政公署委派的代表;

4. 前任主席。





The Organization Chart










   Honorary Presidents 名譽會長

Mr Jim Buckle

    Mr Kwok Man Wai, Tony

Mr Wong Sai Chiu, Ryan



   Honorary Advisors      名譽顧問

Mrs Yu Lai Ching Ping, Helen


Ms Kwan Yee Lan, Sally



   Legal Advisor    法律顧問 Mr Sham Chung Ping, Alain

Mr Wan Chun Keung, Conrad



   Office Bearers              職員


        Chairman, two Vice-Chairmen, Treasurer and  Secretary,

                        to be elected bi-annually at AGM






   Executive Committee Members   執行委員會委員

        not more than 8 members, to be elected bi-annually at AGM




   Ex-officio                      當然委員

         the Immediate Past Chairman

         a representative appointed by the ICAC






Constitution     本會會章



 Last modified    最近更新 :      2024年11月27日